By Prince William
Prior to the outbreak of this dreaded coronavirus pandemic in Nigeria, medical tourism was a common phenomenon amongst the elites and in some rare cases commoners through spirited individuals.
This novelty was considered expedient as the Nigerian health facilities were fast becoming death sentences where the vultures performed their postmortem in open nurtuaries without sterilized knives. The masses who paced the streets with bleeding hills depending on the nation’s health system for reprieve, had their hopes shattered as they ended up with dirges and tears gurging down their eyes like some evil fountains.
This state of percimism eroded every form of optimism in the healthcare system in Nigeria. For instance, Incessant strikes, embezzlement and government underfunding of this critical sector became common features among those at the helm of affairs until covid-19 reared it monstrous head like the tsunami submerging every fabric of human existence.
The tale from this wildwind is one you dare not look at while walking the streets at night.
Amidst this looming cataclysm is a beckon of hope for the Nigerian health sector as it has suddenly become a beautiful bride at midnight. Today government at all levels, including corporate organisations, religious bodies, private individuals both within and without have taken up the herculean task of changing the narrative for a once rejected stone with a view to taming the killer virus.
While you continue to count the losses occassioned by this pandemic, may you also retrospect on the facelift witnessed in the medical sector, the increased awareness on maintaining personal hygiene as well as the personal communion you now enjoy with your creator. Until that is done, then you will know that coronavirus was only a blessing in disguise. God bless your heart. Stay safe, stay protected.