The Amayanabo of Opu-Nembe Kingdom, His Royal Majesty, King Biobelemoye Josiah, Ogbodo VIII, at the weekend express appreciation to the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State, Senator Douye Diri, for condemning the non- stoppage of the oil and gas spill and the continued destruction done to the environment and the loss of livelihood of the people of Opu-Nembe kingdom as well as the setting up of a committee aimed at assessing the extent and effect of the spill.
The King and his Kingdom also commended the visit of the Governor to make on the spot assessment of the ravaging oil and gas blow out which is yet to be contained for about a month.
In a statement the King signed himself said it is on record, the empathy shown by the Governor in providing immediate cushioning financial support to all segments of the Kingdom during the visit.
“We further commend you for immediately directing your Deputy to set up an “Assessment Committee on Nembe Oil Spillage”.
“Your Excellency, my people and I also want to commend you for urging AITEO whose oil well- head caused the spill, to provide adequate remediation/compensation for affected Communities, families, businesses, farmlands/fishing waterways/implements.
“Your Excellency, on behalf of the good people of Opu- Nembe Kingdom, I passionately request that you use your honoured office to ask the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), to swiftly distribute relief materials to communities affected by the persistently gushing oil and gas spill.
“Also for the following federal government agencies; The National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency(NOSDRA), Regulatory Commissions of the relevant Streams(up, mid and down) in the oil industry, The National Environmental Sanitation and Regulatory Agency (NESREA) and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Limited(NNPC), to show more concern for the well being of my people as well as reduce their sufferings”.
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